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Trace Elements
Trace elements are minerals with relatively low daily requirements and include iron, iodine, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, chromium, boron and silica. Trace elements fulfil countless essential functions in metabolism.
Trace Elements
Trace elements, such as iron, iodine, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, chromium, boron and silica, fulfil countless essential functions in metabolism.
Trace Element Multis
60+ Nutrients, Full Spectrum
bioactive & structurally diverse
€28.90120 capsules
€266.85 / 1kg
60+ Nutrients, Full Spectum
bioactive & structurally diverse
€24.90120 capsules
€252.02 / 1kg
Colloidal Minerals
True colloidal minerals and trace elements with a high colloidal content, small particle size, large surface area and low concentration. These high quality products are carefully manufactured by Crystal Colloidals in the Netherlands. No additives.