Tinder Conk
Oetzi, the Iceman, was found in the Oetztal Alps in 1991 carrying tinder conk (Fomes fomentarius). Though he lived about 5000 years ago, this finding indicates that the tough, woody fruiting body of this mushroom is particularly resistant. It was also used by Hippocrates of Kos (circa 370 BC).
Tinder Conk Mix: Extract + Powder
High-dose mixture of concentrated tinder conk extract and natural, finely milled organic raw powder: the best of both products in one.
Tinder Conk Extract
Ultra-pure, concentrated extraction using water and food grade alcohol. Extract standardised to 30% polysaccharides, including beta-glucans.
Tinder Conk Powder in Capsules
Raw, finely ground tinder conk powder from the whole mushroom, active enzymes preserved. Available in convenient capsules or as a loose powder.