The thyroid is responsible for controlling body functions such as cell metabolism, basal metabolic rate, heartbeat, growth and brain development via a complex hormonal regulatory circuit. The synthesis of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, which are formed from the amino acid L-tyrosine and iodine, is crucial for this. The thyroid gland has the highest selenium content of all organs. Selenium is a cofactor of numerous enzymes and contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.
Thyroid Balance
Harmoniously balanced, premium nutritional complex with iodine and selenium to support thyroid function, developed in collaboration with Dr. med. Johannes-Paul Richter from the Berlin Thyroid Centre. With important building blocks of the thyroid hormones (L-tyrosine and iodine) and co-factors (selenium and vitamin A), embedded in a rich matrix of nutrients.
Iodine supports normal thyroid function and the smooth production of thyroid hormones. Organic iodine from Norwegian kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) in natural combination with 23 minerals and trace elements, laboratory-tested and guaranteed free from pollutants and radioactivity.
As a cofactor of many enzymes, selenium contributes to healthy thyroid function and to the protection against oxidative cell damage.
Essential minerals and trace elements in a harmonious overall blend. Available in full spectrum or tailored for specific needs without the trace elements iodine, copper and iron. Formulated with carefully selected premium ingredients, mostly derived from 100% natural plant extracts.