Skin Pigmentation
Healthy skin and skin pigmentation are influenced by an optimal supply of nutrients. This functional bioactive complex was developed together with Prof. Dr. med. habil. Ulrich Amon (specialist in dermatology with a focus on autoimmune diseases and auto-inflammation, certified physician for the COIMBRA protocol) and Dr. Raul Yaguboglu (specialist in dermatology with the additional qualification of allergology at DermAllegra - International Center for Holistic Medicine & Dermatology).
Pigment* Vi Skin Complex
This premium bioactive complex supports skin pigmentation and immune function with the antioxidants copper, zinc, selenium and vitamins C and E. Plus vitamin B9 (folate) as the patented active ingredient Metafolin®, bioactive vitamin B12, vegan vitamin D3 and specially selected plant extracts of ginkgo biloba, SOD Extramel®, polypodium (golden spotted fern), OPC and quercetin. Formulated by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Amon and Dr. (Univ. Istanbul) Raul Yaguboglu.
Vitamin D
This premium D3 raw material comes from exclusive special production. Comes vegetarian or vegan, pure or with vitamin K2 as pure K2Vital® from Kappa with at least 99.7% all-trans K2 MK-7 and dissolved in high-quality MCT coconut oil for optimum bioavailability. Vitamin D has a function in cell division.
Vitamin C & Vitamin E
High-dose vitamin C as original PureWay-C® and as a functional complex with valuable bioflavonoids such as quercetin, rutin and OPC. Vitamin E drops with 100 IU as pure, bioactive D-alpha-tocopherol and as a high-dose vitamin E complex consisting of all four tocopherols and four tocotrienols with a high-dose of 400 IU per capsule.
Copper, Zinc & Selenium
High-dose and bioactive complexes with a rich diversity of forms of the trace elements copper, zinc and selenium.
Vitamin B12 & Folate
Highly dosed and bioactive complexes with a rich variety of forms of vitamin B12 (MH3A® formula) with all three natural cobalamins and five different B12 active ingredients (methyl-, hydroxo- and adenosylcobalamin) and vitamin B9 folate from the combination of three folate active ingredients (L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate).