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Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) is, alongside reishi, considered to be one of the most important functional mushrooms and is revered by mushroom connoisseurs for its taste in cuisine. Shiitake has been treasured in China for millennia due to its nutritional value.

Organic Shiitake Mix: Extract + Powder

High-dose mixture of concentrated organic shiitake extract and natural, finely milled organic raw powder: the best of both products in one.
  1. Raw + 30% Polysaccharides

    laboratory tested


    90 capsules

    €267.99 / 1kg

  2. Bundle

    laboratory tested

    €28.31 €29.80

    2x90 capsules

    €254.59 / 1kg

Organic Shiitake Extract

Ultra-pure, concentrated extraction using water and food grade alcohol. Extract standardised to 30% polysaccharides, including beta-glucans.
  1. 500mg, 30% Polysaccharides

    laboratory tested


    90 capsules

    €303.96 / 1kg

  2. 500mg, 30% Polysaccharides

    laboratory tested

    €32.11 €33.80

    2x90 capsules

    €288.76 / 1kg

Organic Shiitake Loose Powder and Capsules

Raw, finely ground organic shiitake powder from the whole mushroom, active enzymes preserved. Available in convenient capsules or as a loose powder.
  1. 500mg, Raw

    laboratory tested



    €129.00 / 1kg

  2. 500mg, Raw

    laboratory tested

    €23.22 €25.80


    €116.10 / 1kg

  3. Raw, 500mg

    laboratory tested


    120 capsules

    €173.86 / 1kg

  4. Bundle

    laboratory tested

    €23.22 €25.80

    2x120 capsules

    €156.47 / 1kg

AHCC® Shiitake Mycelium Extract

Highly bioavailable extract from shiitake mycelium with a full 10% short-chain alpha-glucans. Obtained from cultivation and fermentation with enzymes using a patented extraction process. Non-GMO.

  1. 10% Alpha Glucans

    Shiitake Mycelium Extract


    60 capsules

    €1,210.24 / 1kg

  2. Bundle

    Shiitake Mycelium Extract

    €85.31 €89.80

    2x60 capsules

    €1,149.73 / 1kg

Immune Active

Premium blend of functional mushrooms with vitamin C to support immune function. Highly concentrated extracts of agaricus (ABM) and chaga combined with shiitake. A rich combination of potent polysaccharides, beta-glucans and short-chain alpha-glucans.

  1. Reishi, ABM, Chaga, AHCC®

    plus vitamin C


    90 capsules

    €510.24 / 1kg

  2. Bundle

    plus vitamin C

    €56.81 €59.80

    2x90 capsules

    €484.73 / 1kg

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