Our nervous system depends on an adequate supply of a number of nutrients to remain healthy in the long term. These nutrients play a key role in maintaining normal nerve function (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, biotin, C, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium) by helping to build up myelin – the nerve's protective layer – as well as form central messenger substances and enable optimal signal transmission (calcium).
B Complex and Multivitamins
The B vitamins play a central role in the maintenance of normal nerve function. They contribute to the formation of myelin (protective nerve layer), various messenger molecules and neurotransmitters.
Minerals and Trace Elements
Magnesium, potassium, iodine, and copper all contribute to maintaining normal nerve function, while calcium supports seamless signal transmission between neurons.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C not only contributes to a normal function of the nervous system, especially in the photoreceptors, but also contributes to cell protection against oxidative stress.