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All important minerals and trace elements in a single preparation, combined with hand-selected, premium active inredients sourced primarily from plants. Combined with vitamin C for optimum absorption. Also available as a high-dose Forte variant.

Multiminerals From Germinated Buckwheat

Highly bioavailable minerals and trace elements from germinated buckwheat, in trace element-rich water. In a natural complex of B vitamins and with added natural vitamin C for optimal absorption.
  1. 10mg Zinc

    from sprouted buckwheat


    100 capsules

    €244.24 / 1kg

  2. 10mg Zinc

    from sprouted buckwheat

    €30.21 €31.80

    2x100 capsules

    €232.03 / 1kg

  3. From Sprouted Buckwheat

    7mg iron, 40µg chromium, 50µg molybdenum


    100 capsules

    €244.24 / 1kg

  4. Bundle

    7mg iron, 40µg chromium, 50µg molybdenum

    €30.21 €31.80

    2x100 capsules

    €232.03 / 1kg

Sango Coral from Okinawa

Genuine Okinawan coral, 100% natural and sustainably sourced (only fossilised coral is harvested). Bioidentical to bones and teeth, highly bioavailable (90%), with an antacid effect. Two types of coral available: a 2:1 calcium magnesium variety or a high-dose formulation with 34% calcium. Each with 70+ other minerals and trace elements.
  1. Okinawa, Japan

    2:1 calcium magnesium



    €64.50 / 1kg

  2. Okinawa, Japan

    rich in calcium & magnesium


    120 capsules

    €96.13 / 1kg

  3. 34% Calcium



    €49.50 / 1kg

  4. Refill

    2:1 Calcium Magnesium

    €22.96 €25.70

    240 capsules

    €85.58 / 1kg

  5. Bundle

    34% Calcium

    €18.81 €19.80


    €47.03 / 1kg

  6. Bundle

    2:1 calcium magnesium

    €24.50 €25.80


    €61.25 / 1kg

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