Special screening tests can help to narrow down suspected diagnoses and provide decision-making aids for further diagnostic measures. A urinalysis reflects the excretion of metals; determining the concentration in urine is particularly recommended for metals that cause kidney damage.
After your order, we will send you the desired test package with detailed instructions. You collect your sample in a tube, send it in a prepared envelope to our partner laboratory, GANZIMMUN DIAGNOSTICS AG, and receive a report with the evaluation of your profile after approximately 5-7 working days.
Please note!
If you urinate frequently during the night, the urine must be collected. Please request the appropriate collection container via the information text in the second order step of the order function. You can also request the collection container by calling 0 61 31 - 72 05 216.
Collect the nightly urine from midnight and mix it with the first urine sample after waking up in the morning. Then take the sample from the total amount of urine using a monovette (see test instructions).
The test kit includes:
- 1 set of instructions for sample collection
- 1 urine cup
- 1 yellow urine tube (urine monovette)
- 1 yellow tip
- 1 shipping container for urine monovette
- 1 envelope
Note: Please note that the cost of this test is not always covered by private health insurance.