Technically speaking, folate does not occur naturally. The folate used in many nutritional supplements is an artificial, synthetic agent which cannot be found in nature or directly utilised by the body.
Synthetic folate must be first converted into active folate by the body before taking effect. Folate conversion can be difficult for individuals with inherited metabolic disorders, because it requires the use of various cofactors and enzymes.
The optimal, biologically active form of folate is L-methylfolate (more specifically L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate or L-5-MTHF). L-methylfolate is an important methyl donor and an essential part of the methylation cycle, which has a significant impact on important processes such as DNA, amino acid, hormone, and neurotransmitter synthesis.
The geometric variant R-methylfolate, which exists along with L-methylfolate, cannot be utilised by the body. Many active ingredients contain a combination of these two forms as they appear together in most production processes. Common forms of methylfolate can contain up to 50% of these ineffective variants.
As a premium ingredient with 99.9% bioactive L-methylfolate guaranteed, Quatrefolic® is a patented product in which methyfolate is bonded to glucosamine to improve stability and to ensure optimal efficiency and shelf life. Glucosamine is a valuable and natural component of many bodily tissues and thus is of added benefit to the product. Quatrefolic® is characterised by its unrivalled bioavailability and can be directly utilised by the body. Its extreme purity,, high stability, and excellent bioavailability make Quatrefolic® one of the most effective forms of L-methylfolate.
Nutritious Filler
Instead of using cellulose, we use fibre-rich sprouted buckwheat powder as a nutritious filler for this product.
Quality and Purity
The product was produced according to the highest quality and purity standards in the EU. It is gluten- and lactose-free, non-GMO, and vegan. The only additive is guar gum powder.