Ecklonia is a genus of kelp found prevalently in the Pacific Ocean. The brown algae is a well-known and popular ingredient in the local cuisines of southwestern Japan and Korea as well as of southeastern China, where it thrives in clear coastal regions. The bicyclis (also known as arame) and cava strains are particularly rich in phlorotannins, valuable polyphenols found largely in brown algae.
Ecklonia bicyclis 50% + Hawaiian Spirulina
A blend of Ecklonia bicyclis (also known as arame) and Hawaiian spirulina to combine the advantages of both algaes in one formulation. Ecklonia kelp offers a wide polyphenol and phytochemical spectrum, including the brown algae's valuable phlorotannins. Our Ecklonia extract, standardised to 50% polyphenols, is obtained via a low temperature water extraction of hand-harvested Ecklonia bicyclis. Vegan, no additives.
Ecklonia cava 90% + Hawaiian Spirulina
A blend of Ecklonia cava and Hawaiian spirulina to combine the advantages of both algaes in one formulation. Ecklonia kelp offers a wide polyphenol and phytochemical spectrum, including the brown algae's valuable phlorotannins. Our Ecklonia extract, standardised to 90% polyphenols, is obtained via a low temperature water extraction of hand-harvested Ecklonia cava. Vegan, no additives.