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The gut is an organ of particular importance; relieving it plays a vital role in our well-being.

Activated Charcoal

Our pharmaceutical-grade activated charcoal is made from 100% European beech wood. Obtained via gas activation using water vapour, carbon dioxide and air – not chemical activation. Natural and free from chemical binding agents.

  1. Pharmaceutical Quality

    EU, gas activation


    120 capsules

    €201.36 / 1kg

  2. Pharmaceutical Quality

    EU, Gas Activation

    €16.91 €17.80

    2x120 capsules

    €191.29 / 1kg

Digezyme® Enzyme Complex

Digestive enzyme complexes for those with sensitive digestion. DigeZyme® consists of amylase, lipase, protease, cellulase and lactase with an enzyme activity of 1800 ALU. DigeZyme EC® has a particularly high lactase activity of 4500 ALU especially to support lactose intolerance. Vegan and in gastric acid-resistant HPMC capsules (DRcaps®).

  1. Vegan

    Amylase, protease, lipase, lactase...


    90 capsules

    €1,064.10 / 1kg

  2. Bundle

    Amylase, protease, lipase, lactase...

    €47.31 €49.80

    2x90 capsules

    €1,010.90 / 1kg

  3. Vegan

    4500U lactase


    90 capsules

    €1,064.10 / 1kg

  4. Bundle

    4500U lactase

    €47.31 €49.80

    2x90 capsules

    €1,010.90 / 1kg

Saccharomyces boulardii

Saccharomyces boulardii with a full 5 billion CFUs (colony forming units) per capsule. Bioactive yeast strain, stable, vegan and from non-GMO cultivation.

  1. 5 Billion CFUs



    60 capsules

    €632.96 / 1kg

  2. Bundle


    €32.11 €33.80

    2x60 capsules

    €601.31 / 1kg


PMA zeolite is a 100% volcanic mineral from the esteemed Austrian manufacturer PANACEO. Approved as a medical device, PANACEO's clinoptilolite zeolite undergoes refinement through their patented PMA technology (PANACEO micro-activation) and aids in supporting the intestinal barrier function and facilitating natural detoxification. Available in both capsule and powder forms.

  1. Natural Medical Device

    volcanic mineral



    €144.50 / 1kg

  2. Bundle

    volcanic mineral

    €54.91 €57.80


    €137.28 / 1kg

  3. Natural Medical Device

    volcanic mineral


    200 capsules

    €289.00 / 1kg

  4. Bundle

    volcanic mineral

    €54.91 €57.80

    2x200 capsules

    €274.55 / 1kg

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