Bones enable movement as the inner scaffolding of the body, and bone marrow is the site of blood and immune cell formation. Bones are comprised largely of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and the structural protein collagen. Vitamins such as vitamin D play an important role in bone health by contributing to calcium metabolism.
Osteo Bone Complexes
Osteo Bone Support Ultra is a premium complex that contains all the key nutrients to support bone health, supplemented with valuable plant extracts such as OPC, EGCG and Cissus quadrangularis. We also offer Osteo Bone Calcium Threonate Plus as a basic complex with the 6 most important nutrients for bones.
Osteo Bone Complex with Low Calcium
This comprehensive nutrient complex is designed for a balanced bone metabolism. Contains 7 nutrients that are important for bones and connective tissues and a low calcium content, making it ideal for those with sufficient calcium intake.
Additional Important Nutrients for Bones
Important minerals for bone health as individual active ingredients, including vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and manganese as well as Vitamin D Balance with cofactors.