Blood Sugar
Stable blood sugar levels are essential for health and closely linked to a well-functioning metabolism. Certain nutrients, like chromium, can support the maintenance of a normal blood sugar level. Additionally, plant-based fibres, such as beta-glucan, can help reduce the rapid rise of blood sugar after a meal.
Blood Sugar Regulator
Beta Glucan from Oats
Natural oat extract obtained through pure water-ethanol extraction, standardised to contain 70% beta-glucans, available in powder and capsule form. Daily intake of 3g of oat beta-glucans supports the maintenance of a normal blood sugar level.
Chitosan KiOnutrime-CsG®
Patented active ingredient KiOnutrime-CsG® Chitosan with beta-glucan from a purely vegetable source as a capsule. The daily intake of 4g oat beta-glucans supports the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels.