The bilberry plant and its eponymous fruit (Vaccinium myrtillus/ Myrtilli fructus) belong to the heather (Ericaceae) family and is also referred to as a European blueberry. It is native to the temperate climate zones of northern Europe and Asia and thrives in semi-shady locations including deciduous and coniferous forests.
Centuries ago, well-known herbalists such as Pastor Kuenzle (author of Chrut & Uchrut) and Hildegard von Bingen (author of Liber compositae medicinae) wrote about the power of bilberries. At that time, just like today, it was mainly the fresh and dried fruits of the plant, as well as the leaves, which were used. Later, the benefits of bilberry gained wider acknowledgement and the plant was included in a number of renowned national and international monographs such as ESCOP and WHO.