Acid–Base Balance
Many factors influence the acid-base balance, including tension, stress and diets rich in sugar as well as animal-derived fats and proteins. A pH value of 7.4 is optimal for a healthy metabolism. Supplementing appropriate micronutrients such as zinc can naturally provide the body with a balanced pH, while magnesium supports balanced electrolyte levels.
Base Powder 6
Base powder with zinc to support the acid-alkaline metabolism based on Dr Stossier's formula. Finely balanced blend of 6 pH-balancing minerals and trace elements: sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium, potassium & zinc citrate. Available as a powder to stir into water and as a capsule for easy dosage.
Sango Sea Coral, Okinawa
100% natural original Okinawa sea coral. Sustainably sourced from fossil coral, bioidentical to bones and teeth. High bioavailability (90%), acid-neutralising or base-forming. Two coral forms: 2:1 calcium magnesium or high-dose 34% calcium, each with 70+ other minerals and trace elements.
Alkaline Teas
Delicious, alkalising herbal blend and a variety of alkaline teas based on our own recipes, in a range of flavours and intensities, made from our high-quality organic herbs and fine Japanese and Chinese green teas.
Laboratory Tests
Laboratory tests to determine the body's acid-base balance